Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vehicle Stuff

I've received a few questions to the old email, so I'll answer them.

A reader from Philly asked what kind of bikes I have now since I lost the Shadow in the wreck

We still have the 600cc Silver Wing Scoot as well as a 2005 Black Kawasaki Ninja 500r and a Green 2006 Kawasaki Ninja 500r nicknamed Booger which is the ugliest bike I think I've ever seen.  I got to ride a sportsbike for the first time and fell in love with it.  The way it zips and corners is so much better than a cruiser. 

I look forward to getting to ride again on a more regular basis soon hopefully.  The last ride we took was up Cherahola (google it, it's beautiful) and down Highway 129 aka The Dragon.  318 curves in 11 miles.  I loved it, Ashley didn't. 

I loved riding the roads of Union County and as quickly as I can get back on a bike and get a helmet cam, I'm going to start a website up dedicated to mine and Ashley's love of the roads of Union County.  It's some of the best motorcycle riding not only in Tennessee but the whole US as far as I'm concerned.   There's a road we've lovingly named the Union County Lizard which has roughly 59 curves in about 6 miles or so. 

As for four wheels, well there's been some changes there too.  Ashley and I are now Volkswagen Drivers.  We have a blue 2000 Volkswagen Golf as well as a 1999 Red Volkswagen Cabrio Convertible.  I think all 3 of us love riding in the convertible.  It's not quite as good as riding a motorcycle, but it's close enough and at least it's not near as scary in the event of an accident.  For those who are nerds when it comes to gas mileage like Ashley and myself, the Golf gets 32mpg and the Cabrio gets 31mpg. 

Hopefully by the time next summer rolls around, we'll have a pair of Jetski's as well.  Really looking forward to that and hopefully we can scrimp and pinch and buy a couple of used ones.

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