Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our Weekend and my new Bike

Ashley and I rode all over the place last weekend.  On Saturday, we woke up early and rode to Knoxville to hit all the 1/2 price Goodwill sales, then up Maynardville Highway back towards home.  I was on the trusty Honda Rebel and she was on the Scoot.  We decided we had nothing to do since Andrew was out of town, so we headed up Maynardville Highway and made stops at Norris Lake, New Tazewell, Tazewell, and made it almost to Middlesboro before heading home.  We made lots of stops and had a blast.  On Sunday, we got up and headed off to Pigeon Forge and went to a few places including an excellent Mexican Restaurant in Sevierville.  We stopped way less and had a blast.  On Monday, we rode down Tazewell Pike to get lunch stuff and Andrew doubled with Ashley on the scoot.  Our weekend was about 300 miles or so give or take a few and we had a great time.

My knee was killing me though.  The Rebel sits so low and for someone 6'1, it tends to take it out on your knees.  I knew I had to do something, so I started looking to upgrade and found a great bike which I'm sure will last a long time.  It's a 1998 Kawasaki Vulcan 500cc (pic over there <------) and I rode it into work today and my knee feels great.  I traded the Rebel and some boot for it to a local fella.  I love it.  It handles so much better than the Rebel and is quite peppy.  I haven't quite picked out a name for her yet (the purple scooter is named Barney, Ashley's Riva 125 is named Casper, and the Rebel was generically named Rebel) so I'm hoping something comes to me soon.  I'm enjoying riding and driving it to work.  Ashley is the family statistician, so she can give you a better idea on gas savings, but I'm sure it's pretty big.  I cannot wait to get it out on the road this weekend and out of "work" mode. 

1 comment:

Genuine Ashley said...

First of all, your rebel's name was not Rebel, it was Johnny. So I think you should name your Vulcan (what an ugly name for such a pretty bike!) Baby. And be sure and keep her out of the corner.

My personal commute cost $1.92 yesterday. That included a detour to the doctor, too. I would assume yours will be very similar. Did you know that we would be spending $10 a day if we drove cars? $6/day isn't much at first. Some days, I think I must be crazy to ride down Broadway to save $3! But I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything!!! Think of it this way: we pocket a quarter for every mile we keep the cars in the driveway by commuting on 2-wheels!