Saturday, February 14, 2009

God Of War Trailer Thoughts

What an amazing trailer for an amazing game. As I've said many times
on this blog, the God of War series is my favorite in all of gaming
and it looks like God of War III will be the best yet. I can't
believe the graphics in the trailer and I can't believe that the whole
fight sequence takes place on the back of a Titan on the way up Mount
Olympus. The amount of graphic detail for Kratos is outstanding and I
may be wrong on this, but I believe this is the first time Kratos has
had that many enemies on screen at one time to fight. The big
question now is whether this makes it out before the end of the year.
I'd love to have it in November, but I want this game when it's "God
of War" quality and not just "any other game" quality. March of 2010
has been mentioned and let me tell you this, if God of War comes out
the same day as MLB10, I may just die in anticipation.

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